HR Consulting (One Time/Single Project)
This product is for clients whose HR consulting services have been discussed, accepted, and quoted in writing by PhoenixHR as one-time, single-projects. Examples include, but are not limited to, writing position statements for employers to state agencies such as the EDD (unemployment office), or writing appeals for individuals to agencies such as the Social Security Administration.
How To Order: Project pricing is based on an hourly bill rate of $150 per hour. To pay for a quoted HR consulting service, the client should adjust the quantity below so that the total price matches the dollar amount quoted by PhoenixHR to the client. Example: for an HR consulting project quoted by PhoenixHR at a total cost of $900, the client would pay for that project by adjusting the quantity below to "6", since $150 x 6 = $900. After adjusting the quanity, click the "ADD TO CART" button below and follow the on-screen instructions that follow for secure credit card payment and checkout.